About Me

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Keep dreaming boy, 'cause when you stop dreaming, its time to die ♥ JessicaCant & HelenaRickerby & RhysDavies & ChelseaPetrie: Best things since sliced bread ♥ I love you ♥ I got a hug of Jimmy Carr and I met Sean Smith in my hometown boring ole’ Carlisle. No big deal really :) Um huge deal much? Ayeee. I'm a short'ass, I'm 16, I'm a pyromaniac, I play guitar, violin and piano. Aii. Paramore & Youmeatsix & Biffy Clyro & Frank Turner & Fam' ♥ Glad we got that settled.

Friday 17 September 2010

New hair colour

Live XXL bright red, you beaut. 

So ever since I dyed my hair last night I've had comments such as "your beautiful" "gorgeous" "turning me straight" and "i'd do you" the last one I was rather shocked at. But I just wanna say thank you oh so much. People know what I'm like about my appearence and what not but like, when you have people saying things like that to you it sorta makes you feel all happy inside. Screw the head of 6th form who said "its too bright" and my "skinny jeans are too tight" XD i'm happy and comfortable like this. Deal with it? Yea. Thanks. This is who I am and I swear I will not change for anyone. 

1 comment:

  1. Your hair's a lovely colour. :)


